A-7E Corsair “Olympos”

article A-7E Corsair OLYMPUS 336 SQM Our Air Force received its first A-7H (60 units) & two-seat TA-7H trainers (5 units) in August 1975. Their fleet increased and their capabilities were upgraded with the addition…

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FG-1A Corsair “Lucky Gallon” 92

article FG-1A Corsair “94” NX69900 Lucky Gallon” Built as FG-1A by Goodyear. Received Strength/Charge with the United States Navy as BuNo 13481. History12 August 1946To Cook Cleland Air Service/Cook Cleland, Willoughby, OH with new c/r…

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B-29 Superfortress Boeing WW2

article Boeing B–29 Superfortress A series of historical images of the legendary Boeing B-29 Superfortress during WW2, depicting its life at the Pacific resort. Although it bore the “Superfortress” tag, a nod to another game-changer, the B-17,…

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F-16D BLOCK 52+Advanced 335 Squadron 029

article F-16D BLOCK 52+Advanced Η μετατροπή του F 16C της TAMIYA στην έκδοση F-16D δεν ήταν απλή υπόθεση. Αγόρασα το κιτ F-16D 1/48 KINETIC και κράτησα το επάνω κομμάτι φέρινγκ καθώς ταίριαζε με την άτρακτο…

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Curtis SO3C Seamew

article SEA COWSometimes when an airplane doesn’t perform as expected, it falls outside the specifications for which it was designed and ends up getting weird or even derogatory nicknames. Seamew also belonged to this category.…

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XF6F-1 Hellcat Grumman

article XF6F-1 Hellcat Following the early experience of the US Navy in the Pacific during the early months of World War II and in consultation with Allied forces on the European front, Grumman began developing…

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