F8F Bearcat Blue Angels “Beetle Bomb”
The F8F-1 is the evolution of the F6F-5, from Grumman. The plane was again designed to use the powerful Pratt & Whitney R-2800-34W engine, but the program with the development of jet engines was terminated.
The model represents the F8F-1, office number 95187, which served as a “bomb beetle”. The decals for a standard Blue Angels aircraft or “Beetle Bomb”
The kit is simple and easy. The quality of the plastic is average for the good mold made by Hobby Bosst. The only thing I changed is the engine Details set Quickboost 48421 Engine. I cut the caps from the engine accessories and after the kit. It gave the space, I decided to build from scratch. But the accessories.
The F8F-1 is the evolution of the F6F-5, from Grumman. The plane was again designed to use the powerful Pratt & Whitney R-2800-34W engine but the program with the development of jet engines was terminated
The kit is simple and easy. The quality of the plastic is average for the good mold made by Hobby Bosst. The only thing I changed is the engine Details set Quickboost 48421 Engine. I cut the caps from the engine accessories and after the kit. It gave the space, I decided to build from scratch. But the accessories.
Before I started painting, I cut the wings to make them folded. I glued foil with Micro Metal Foil Adhesive to the front of the wings and the mascara. I painted with TAMIYA’s Flat Yellow XF-3 and after the stickers I airbrushed (H 20 Flat Clear & H 30 Clear 50/50). In the upper part of the wings. I painted with AK 089 Heavy Chipping. When it dried I thinned enough, AK 2039 Kerosene and brushed it on the same spots from above. Rinsing with water and with this technique. It shows a light dirt as if you have footprints. From the ground staff. Finishing I washed with Lamp Black oil