Микоян-Гуревич MG-21 Iraqi Air Force (IQAF or IrAF)

Mikojan-Guriewicz MIG-21


Микоян-Гуревич MG-21 Iraqi Air Force (IQAF or IrAF)

More Features The kit consists of over 170 parts, includes 8 clean parts

– fuselage & wing with fine etched panel lines

– detailed cockpit

The kit is excellent in fit and detail. Almost no putty was needed except for a little liquid at the end and in limited areas of the model. The cockpit is extremely detailed, embossed and also provides decals. At first it seems difficult to place the decals on the instruments but their quality is so good that they sit exactly where they should without any reinforcement. The seat is also of excellent detail, however it lacks in details in belts etc. For this reason an Eduard reinforcer was used for this particular seat, while there is a small error in the headrest and its shape. This was improved with small pieces of sponge and aluminum foil so that it represents its wear and some tears in its leather upholstery. The inside of the hood is completely bare. Sheets and lengths of plastic were used to improve the detail and the various pipes as well as the support mechanism when it is open. Its transparent was pierced with a drill and, carefully, some pieces were cut with a knife so that it looks broken. No intervention was made to the landing gear and the nests since the detail is more than satisfactory except for heating the tires so that they look deflated at the end. The engine and the nozzle also did not undergo any intervention. Finally, the flange of the front avionics panel was made with plastic sheet since this will remain open at the end. Also, static dischargers on the wings and verticals made of heated stretched plastic were added.


Initially, the cockpit was painted with 2135 INTERIOR BLUE/GREEN from Model Master to close the fuselage and the landing gear nests. The model was sprayed with Humbrol matte black spray as a base and the aircraft variant was airbrushed freehand and fine stream at low pressure. The colors for this variant are Gunze H-321, H302 for its basic design and H417 for the underside. H319 was used for the radar cone and some other parts and antennas. Alclad metallic was sprayed for the nozzle and its exterior. When the camouflage pattern was completed, the green paint was destroyed with thin beams of beige and openings of the green with yellow and beige to show the damage to the paint from its long stay in the desert. After the painting was completed, it was sprayed with glossy varnish for the decals to be applied. Once this part was completed, the national emblems were carefully covered to be sprayed with white and beige to make them look faded from the sun, while at the end a thin film of beige was sprayed from afar. The wash was done with AK’s wash enamel initially dark brown, and later in some places with AK’s African dust effects. Finally, for the representation of the dusty jet, AK pigments and three layers of gunze matte varnish were used.

Base and figures

The base is ready with dimensions 30X18. The hardboard was glued with atlacol and Terrains Desert Sand AK 8020 and Wet Crackle Effects AK 8034 were applied on top in some places. After the relief was formed and dried, it was sprayed with H321 and then AK pigments were applied with a dry brush. Finally, all materials were sealed with matte varnish. The radar cone cover was made of plastic sheeting, the folding boarding ladder from plastic lengths, the razor wire from a pan strainer and, after we cut thin strips, the razor wire. The above were painted with Humbrol enamel while dry brush techniques were applied with brown and orange diagonals to represent rust mainly on the ladder and the razor wire. The damaged camouflage net was made of gauze with satin paper glued on top.

which had previously been cut with a knife in the design of the specific nets. It was sprayed with beige and brown. The numbers are British Forces Infantry Patrol – 1:48 Airfix. Three of the entire set were used and painted with various Humbrol enamels and with a thin brush the two designs used by the British were painted, one of the desert for the uniforms and the other of the forest, for the equipment and backpacks.


Aircraft: MIG-21 MF

Company: Salpingtis

Scale: 1: 48

The Trupeter kit left the best impressions and is highly recommended. The AK materials also leave excellent impressions.




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