NATO Cockpits and Interiors (1947-Current)


NATO Cockpits and Interiors (1947-Current)

USAF aircraft in the early post-war period were most commonly painted in two sheens of black. Instrument panels received the aptly named, semi-gloss ANA 514 Instrument Black (later FS 27038) whereas all other sections of the cockpit received the flat ANA 604 Black (later FS 37038) to help reduce reflections. However, it was not uncommon for some sections to be painted in the myriad of interior greens that were used during World War II and which varied between aircraft and manufacturer (see the USAAF page for more information). In November 1953, the order was given to factory paint cockpits on all newly-built US aircraft of all branches in ANA 621 Dark Gull Gray (later FS 36231). Further details were specified under MIL-C-8779(ASG) dated 7 July 1955 which also called for instrument bezels, mounting flanges, and adjustment knobs to be painted ANA 604 (FS 37038), resulting in a fully non-spectacular (flat) cockpit. This standard has remained in place to this day and has even been adopted on many NATO multi-national aircraft such as the Tornado and Eurofighter given that many of the partner countries use FED-STD colors as well.

Equivalences Table
 ANA 621ANA 604ANA 511ANA 512
FS 36231FS 37038FS 17875FS 16473
Dark Gull GrayBlackInsignia WhiteAircraft Gray
StandardCockpitInstrumentsInteriors(Wheel Wells)
Color matches    
Gunze Mr. ColorC317C33C316C73
Gunze Mr. HobbyH317H12H316H57
Italeri4755AP4768AP4696AP (!)
Model Master1740174917451731
Tamiya Acrylic(XF-54)XF-1
Tamiya LacquerLP-3LP-34
Vallejo Model Air71.277*71.05771.279*71.335**
Vallejo Model Color70.99170.950
AK 3Gen AcrylicAK11884AK11029AK11868AK11867
AK Real ColorsRC916RC804RC891RC890
AMMO by MigA.MIG-205**A.MIG-046
LifecolorUA 033LC 02UA 148UA 041
Mission ModelsMMP-064MMP-047MMP-104MMP-102
Mr. PaintMRP-100MRP-5MRP-99MRP-242


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