US Navy Vietnam War Camouflage 1971-1980


US Navy Vietnam War Camouflage 1971-1980

The introduction of MIL-C-18263F(AS) on 29 June 1971 made some modest changes to the prevailing scheme, namely that the entire surface of the aircraft was given a gloss sheen. As such, the new colors became Light Gull Gray FS 16440 (originally just named ‘Light Gray’) over Insignia White FS 17875. As with the earlier scheme, movable parts like flaps and rudders were typically left in Insignia White even though official illustrations specified the entire topside to be in Light Gull Gray. By this time it was also common to apply a special tan-colored protective coat to radomes (and occasionally other areas) and was seen mostly on A-6s, F-14s, F/A-18s, and S-3s. This protective coat is typically matched to FS 33613 (which is informally known as Radome Tan). Overall, the new scheme was virtually identical to the preceding one, with the only perceptible difference being the glossier topsides.

In 1976 the Tactical Paint Scheme project was launched with the intention of replacing the long-standing LGG/IW scheme (see below). Due to the time it would take to develop and evaluate, it was decided to eliminate the highly detectable Insignia White on carrier-based fighters (F-4s and F-14s) as soon as possible, leaving them in overall FS 16440. This was authorized on 18 February 1977 and was implemented gradually, with most existing aircraft repainted by 1980.

Paint guide:

  • Light Gull Gray FS 16440: Aside from sheen, FS 16440 is identical to FS 36440. Gunze, Humbrol, Model Master, and Mission Models all make distinct gloss versions of this color and are matched here.
  • Radome Tan FS 33613: This is relatively well represented, with the Gunze version (H313/C313) matching the color perfectly although it is often tricky to apply in small curved areas given that it is very glossy and tends to puddle. Matt versions are probably best. Vallejo 71.074 was formerly labeled as Radome Tan but has been rebranded as simply Beige. Under its older name, it was matched to FS 23594 which is nearly identical to FS 33613
Color Guide
 FS 17875FS 16440FS 33613
Light Gull GrayRadome Tan
GeneralLower / FlapsUpper(Radome)
Fighters (1977-) Overall 
Color matches
Gunze AqueousH316H314H313
Gunze Mr ColorC316C314C313
Model Master174517291709
Vallejo Model Air71.279*71.121*(71.074)
Vallejo Model Color(70.820)70.986**
AK InteractiveAK 2052AK 2051AK 2053
AK Real ColorsRC222RC220RC227
AMMO by MigA.MIG-241
LifecolorUA 025
Mission ModelsMMP-104MMP-069MMP-070
Mr PaintMRP-99MRP-98MRP-394


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