A-7E Corsair II , HAF ARAXOS
A-7E CORSAIR II, 160566 / E-469, US NAVY with number 254 served, with two different variants, in the US NAVY. After Desert Storm in 1992. It joined the HAF for a short life extension. In May 2009, they transferred the aging LTV A-7 Corsair II to the 336 Squadron in Araxos, as an exchange.
The A-7E of hobby boss in 1/48 started with the wiring display in the wheel area. Also in the electronic bay, wiring and different buttons were put in as well as the oxygen tank from milliput. I also placed lengths of plastic on the lids of the ports to gain some depth. Then I took the cockpit, made cable displays and buttons, switches and belts on the seat, improved it so that it became as realistic as possible and painted the interior of the electronics with interior green. Then the cockpit was painted with flat black and then washed with white to emphasize the breaks and its relief. The details on the electronics and the cockpit were painted and after the fuselage was closed, some details were added to the windshield on the hud. Then after cleaning the model very well with alcohol, shading was done with flat black.
It was painted with Gunze colors, H311 gray fs36622 for the bottom, H310 brown fs30219, H303 green fs34102 and H309 green fs 34079. In this order from light to dark color.
The brown was lightened with H318 radome to make it lighter in various places and the greens with H4 yellow. Again for the same. To give the variation some shading..
I painted the entire model with a wide brush of parquetine and when it dried I started to place the decals. The pylons, tanks and fuel tanks were also painted
.Then everything was sealed with a matte varnish and I started the wash with raw umber and ivory black painting oils on all surfaces.
After a wash with pastel powders, some areas were painted to show any damage to the paint from leaks, with more intense ones mainly on the lower surfaces.
With a fine brush, partial chipping was done in areas that have more friction, but also contact with ground personnel. The pilots are equally responsible. The charges were placed and the warning rbfs were inserted.
A cover for the air duct was also made of aluminum foil and fuse wires were inserted into the bombs. As well as protectors on the heads of the AIM-9s.