Gmodel art
Scale Model Building
So, what about model building? The questions coming up are quite controversial: Is it a form of artwork or just craftsmanship? Is it just a hobby or a creative process leading to actual market-ready products?
Through the decades model building has evolved and has expanded worldwide, making it clear it encompasses both the desire of creators to express themselves in a unique way and not just try to replicate physically an original item, but also to construct representations of actual objects in an imitative way for specific reasons.
Now, in terms of whether this process is only about leisure and spending rest time in a creative and amusing way or the models produced by people can be marketed or even used for professional reasons, such as in the movies industry, the answer is again it can be both. For several people, assembling representations of actual objects has become a career, whereas for others it is a form of extracurricular activities, bringing only smiles to their faces.
To our knowledge, model builders are mainly “artists”, meaning they don’t just stick pieces together, paint them or measure their size in a strict manner of assembling bits and parts. True scale model builders engage in art when they apply the finish to their models, putting their own “touch”, using their own imagination, inspiration, passion and creativity.
GModel Art Forum
That’s why when we decided to name our internet-based blog platform, back in 2016, when we first launched it, we added the word “Art” as a demonstration of our perspective regarding scale modeling.
This platform has been our first attempt to develop a communication channel to share our passion for expression and creation in the ‘world’ of scale modeling, inviting old and new friends-creators to share with us and with other members of the model community their works and their experiences from model building.
Today, after the successful launch and huge acceptance of that first blog page, we are glad to invite you to our new GModel Art Forum platform, a newly-developed online channel, an e-magazine, fully customized and personalized to each artist-visitor, who wishes to demonstrate his/her personal art book from all over the world, just by logging in, with no cost or any other obligations.
The Scope
Our ambition has been to develop an online scale model hub, where creators could present their works, make their models available to display and share with others, interact and change views with members of the scale model community. Most important of all, our aim has been to develop a web-based archive-database of works with the names of each creator, so that it can be accessed from anyone interested in scale model building.
How? By uploading photos of the models and/or pieces or parts, building materials, craftsmanship details, descriptions, information, stories, comments or anything useful for people wishing to try and build a model.
This way, no work will be lost after a long time, making it available to future generations for admiration and inspiration.
The new platform soon will contain scale models artwork from many categories, such as aircrafts, ships, rail, cars, figures, toys, military vehicles, spaceships, rockets, firearms, and other art forms.
So, we invite you to visit GModel Art Forum pages and find several articles and technical information, instructions with details to help you build your next model, as well as rare historical photo gallery archive.
Who We Are
Our story goes back in the ‘80s, when scale model building was just a hobby for a small group of people with minimal means for expression and creation.
A bunch of friends decided to meet and start their common journey in the ‘world’ of model building, without having the essential resources, such as technical information, construction guidelines, descriptions, tools or photos.
Our desire and passion for creation and expression through scale model artworks led the way to initiate the search for new means, new ways and new fellow-creators with which we began to interact, learn from them and finally become ourselves craftsmen and ‘artists’ of scale models.
Today, we aspire to become ‘beacon’ of inspiration for present and future generations, aiming to persuade current creators follow our initiative as well as invite newcomers to become members of our community and as a result of our platform.
The Benefits
The main purpose of GModel Art Forum is to engage creators from all over the world and bring them together, facilitating interaction, communication and expression, by easily sharing their works, experiences, ideas and techniques.
By logging in to the Forum page, you can:
- Become an online member of our community
- Create your own profile
- Present your artworks by name
- Share new techniques, building details and tips
- Write an article/description about your works
- Upload photos and videos of your works
- Save your projects in a database
- Gain free exposure of your artworks via our social media pages
- Earn gifts or get a special display in Forum’s home page by participating in online public contests for the best or most popular project of the month
So, don’t miss the opportunity to feel proud of your model building works and get a smile on your face.
We are glad to welcome you on board!