A-7E Corsair II ‘’Desert Storm’’

 A-7E Corsair II ‘’Desert Storm’’ Project  – Hasegawa PT 14 A-7E ‘Valions’’ 1/48

After the basic build finished,I prepared the model for the painting procedure.I washed it with soap water to remove any grease from my hands and dust remains.The first stage started by spraying Mr Surfacer 1200 primer  in light coats dilluted with Mr Color Levelling Thinner (pic.1 & 2).Using primers we can detect any flaws on our models and prepare the surface for the paint.

The painting procedure for the 2 tone color pattern started by spraying a base for the upcoming shades.I used Tamiya’s XF-78 for that purpose as it seemed an appropriate color for that purpose.After that I preshaded the model using Tamiya’s XF-85 black.I did that to have some tone variations after the basic colors of camouflage is sprayed (pic. 3&4)

For the main camouflage pattern I used MRP paints and especially MRP-233 and MRP-244.Those colors seemed to be the correct ones to my eyes (pic. 5)

The following stage is highlighting the basic colors.For that purpose I used a mix of MRP-233 with Gunze’s H-406 Chocolate Brown (for the darker shade) and a mix of MRP-244 with Gunze’s H-316 white.A few drops from each color to the basic color did the job (pic. 7)

For the wheelwells I used the same white Gunze’s H-316 (FS 17875) (pic. 8)

For the NMF area near the stabilators I used the Mig Ammo – Alclad Polished Aluminium ALC 305 (pic. 9)

At the end I sealed the model using Alclad’s gloss varnish ALC-600 spraying it lightly in 4-5 layers (pic. 10) to prepare the model for the decal procedure.For this model I used Cam decal’s sheet (pic. 11)

After decalling model accepted a panel line wash to enhance very good engraved  panel lines and rivets.For that I used Mig Ammo’s PLW Orange Brown (pics. 12&13).Then it was time to add some dirty look to the wheelwells of the model.For that purpose I used Mig Ammo’s PLW Black night.After I applied the wash I cleaned the area’s using a cottonbud slightly wet with thinners (pics. 14-15-16&17)

Then it was time for the final assembly.Some oil streaks made using Mig Ammo Streaking Grime and the final varnish was sprayed using Mig Ammo’s matt.

Final pics…


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