Israeli Air Force F-15 “Baz” and “Ra’am” as you have never seen them before
The IAF Israeli Air Force was the first air force to acquire a fleet of approximately 70 F-15 jets in the A / B / C / D and I version
Apart from the F-15I “Ra’am” (Thunder in Hebrew), which is a version of the F-15E Strike Eagle developed specifically for Israel, the other F-15 types in service with the Israeli Air Force have been improved through a series of upgrades and custom modifications that have made the “Baz” (Falcon), have some of the most sophisticated, and famous eagles in service around the world.
Israel’s F-15s, exercising air superiority as well as an air-to-ground role, have participated in all regional wars, special operations and airstrikes conducted by Israel since the first F-15s were delivered in 1976.
The first dogfight and victory involving the F-15 was scored by an Israeli Eagle in 1979 over Lebanon, followed two years later by the world’s first downing of a Mig-25 Foxbat. Since then, Israeli F-15s have been credited with 60 aerial victories – mostly against Mig-21, Mig-25 and Mig-23 jets. without any loss.
IDF AF F-15B BAZ “TWIN TAIL SQUADRON”.. For the construction I used the very good kit of GWH (Great wall Hobbies) which was built straight from the box with the exception of the after market set of Aires for the ejection seats, the remove before flight by eduard, while for the decals the Skies Decals set… It was painted with gunze acrylics, while for the metal surfaces we used the model Master money series… The wash was done with Winsor and Newton oils while for the varnishes the gloss and matt of the same company..!!! Our aircraft represents an Israeli Air Force Mig killer with two kills to its credit and nicknamed “Arrow from Bow”… Happy modeling to all friends…