article A-7E Corsair OLYMPUS 336 SQMOur Air Force received its first A-7H (60 units) & two-seat TA-7H trainers (5 units) in August 1975. Their fleet increased and their capabilities were upgraded with the addition of …
Νίκος Κωλέτης
BASE RF-5A AbandonedFor the construction of the NATO type base and the ground part which is shown, I used plaster of paris.First supplies a ready-made wooden base in the desired dimensions. Then I demarcated the …
RF-5A 97164 Abandoned Larisa ABA few words about the kitIt is about the well-known kinetic in 1/48 scale. Quite a few mediocre kits in an application with several issues which, with a little attention, can …
f-16c block 50 fighting falcon 1/48 Tamiya 347 M.PERSEAS (055) 111 PM N. AghialosF-16C Block 50347M PerseusTamiya 1/48Excellent Tamiya kit, very good detail, excellent fit.The only disadvantage is the poor armament and the fact that …
Mirage F-1CG “135 SAMOS” 342MPK 114PM Tanagra 1994A few words about the kit:This is Kitty Hawk in 1/48. Quite good in detail both in terms of linework on the surfaces of the fuselage and wings, …