Sukhoi Su-33Russian Navy 88

Su-33 Russian Navy Project 88

After the basic build finished,I prepared the model for the painting procedure.I washed it with soap water to remove any grease from my hands and dust remains.The first stage started by spraying Mig Ammo grey primer (pic.1 & 2) Using primers we can detect any flaws on our models and prepare the surface for the paint.
For the painting of this model I used the Mig Ammo Air Set for the Su-33 (A.Mig-7208).The painting procedure started painting the lower surfaces of the model using a mix of Mig Ammo’s Compass Ghost Grey (203) and Light Grey (209) .The various shades and highlights came from using the basic mixed color with some drops of matt white (pic.3 & pic 4).I also sprayed a very diluted filter (ratio 95/5 thinners to color) of a blewish color to enhance the effect.The outcome is not very visible but it gives a tone seeing it from a close distance.
After that I began painting the upper surfaces and the 3 color cammo pattern. Painting done using masks for the very tight cammo. At first I used the white color of the set to paint the radome and masked it to proceed to the basic painting. First color of the cammo is the dark grey blue of the air set (A.Mig-229) (pic 5 & pic 6) I made the postshading adding to the basic color a few drops of white. For the second color I used a mix of A.Mig-210 Grey Blue and A.Mig-209 Light Grey colors because according to pics of the real aircraft’s grey is slightly darker that the set’s grey. (pic7/8/9). Finally I sprayed the last color A.Mig-224 Skyline Blue (pic 10/11/12) . At the end of the painting of the model, I realized that the dark grey blue areas near the cockpit was slightly off realism and for that reason I changed the pattern giving bigger and wider curves. I think now looks wright!
After the paint job finished I gave the whole model a cote of clear gloss varnish from Ammo range and started the painting procedure for the huge metallic areas that are distinguished in Russian aircrafts. After masking the area’s in both upper and lower surfaces, I sprayed the Mig Ammo/Alclad black base prime ALC-305 to create a good base for the metallics (pic 13/14) and so the parts for the engine exhaust (pic 15)
Then I began the painting of the rear metal area and gun area.The first color I used was Alclad’s/Ammo Dark alouminium (ALC 103) and then I played with various shades of Aluminium,Exhaust Manifold,Stainless Steel and Hot metal blue (pics 16 & 17 & 18) At the end of the build I gave some different tones using Tamiya’s weathering powders (final reveal pics)
Then I sprayed all the leading edges of the model using Dark Alouminium and Alouminium (ALC 103 & ALC 101) according photo’s of the real aircraft (pics 19/20/21/22)
Then I prepared the engine fans. Kinetic’s kit gives a very detailed and refined photoetch part and level up the whole area. For painting those parts I used Alclad’s stainless steel and gunze’s metallic bronze and light green (pic 23/24)
After placing decals to the whole model, weathering stage started using PLW Dark Sea Blue for the blewish upper surfaces (pic.25) and PLW Deep Grey for grey color and the lower surfaces (26/27).Give it 20-30 minutes to dry and then remove the excess with good quality paper towel and some thinners help if needed (pic 28/29)
After the PLW cleaned up,I sprayed the model with the satin varnish from the Ammo range (pic 30)
Prior to final assembly and ending this model I sprayed the wheels the Ammo’s rubber and tires black (033) and gunze’s light green (pic 31).Then I sprayed them with glossy varnish (pic 32) and finally gave them a wash using PLW Deep Brown.
This time I used magnets for the missile launchers to avoid glue marks. It seems magnets give a more ‘’clear’’ result and easiness to transportation (pic 33,34)
Final Reveal pics following….

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